It's times like this--having spent a lot of the first day of the semester worrying that I'd broken the scanner that a colleague so graciously lent me, and then in the middle of ferrying back and forth to the library in search of a book with a better image of cuneiform tablets, suddenly remembering that I forgot to actually insert that picture of the aurochs into tomorrow's lecture presentation--when one might start to wonder when it became so important to have good visuals during a lecture anyway.
I do like having the visuals. It's nice to have something concrete and grounded, an extra layer to the information in the lecture. In the ideal situation, I think it helps students process the lecture a little better. I'm just saying, I'm sure there's a point at which the pictures become distracting rather than instructional, and I want to make sure I stay on the right side of that line.
Yeah, keep 'em distracted!
Posted by: David Moles | 29 August 2006 at 10:01 PM